Ohio Buckles Buckeyes Program:
Car Seat Safety
Ohio Buckles Buckeyes Program (OBB):
The Health Center of Huron County distributes infant and child car seats and booster seats to eligible Huron County families. Designed for low-income families in need of safety seats for their children, the car seat instruction, distribution, and education service can help families who qualify by providing child passenger safety seats for children from birth to 100 pounds.
The OBB Program has distributed more than 17,000 child safety seats and booster seats to low-income families in Ohio. More information about the OBB Program can be found here.
We have certified car seat technicians on staff that can provide car seat checks for all area residents. To make an appointment call 419-668-1652 Ext. 241.
Who Qualifies for OBB:
Huron County families who benefit from or are eligible for the WIC program or Medicaid.
What to bring to an appointment?
A vehicle in which the child restraint is usually installed
Child Restraint
Owner's Manual for Child Restraint
Owner's Manual for Vehicle
Car Seat Safety Tips
Kids are only safe in a car when they are in the proper child restraint, used & installed correctly. Make sure your child is safe in his or her car seat:
Read your car manual and the manual for the child restraint.
Know the weight limit for your child restraint.
Send in the warranty card for the child restraint so you are on the list in case of a recall.
Destroy car seats that have been in a motor vehicle accident (MVA). Your auto insurance should cover a replacement under damages of the accident.
Expired car seats should be disposed of properly.
Car Seat Links & Resources
Find the Right Seat to Fit Your Child
Car Seat by Child's Age and Size
Sign up for Car Seat Recalls Alerts
Other Related Resources for Parents
How to Dispose of Car Seats Properly
At the end of the child restraint's useful life, HCPH encourages you to dispose of it properly.
Remove all fabric and padding
Remove all screws and disassemble the car seat
Recycle all plastic and foam parts and discard the rest